Create a Launchpad
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to verify and input information for your token launch on FlokiSale:
Step 1: Verify Token
Connect your wallet.
Go to the homepage and click on "Launchpads" => "Create launchpad". You'll be directed to (coming soon).
Input your token address if available, or create a new token for the Launchpad.
Select a fee option.
Decide on the listing option: auto listing or manual listing.
Choose whether to enable the Affiliate program.
Review your selections and click "Next" to proceed.
Step 2: DeFi Launchpad Info
After verifying your token, input the Launchpad information:
Ensure all values are positive.
Define the presale rate, indicating how many tokens will be distributed during the presale.
Opt for "Enable" if you have a whitelist of presale contributors. You can adjust this setting later.
Set the soft cap, which should be at least 25% of the hard cap.
Choose the refund type: refund or burn.
Allocate the percentage of raised funds to liquidity on the router (minimum 51%, maximum 100%).
Determine the listing rate, the initial rate of the liquidity pool.
Schedule the start and end times, ensuring the start time precedes the end time.
Set the liquidity lockup period, e.g., 30 days.
Consider enabling the Vesting Contributor feature.
Check the total tokens needed for the presale pool.
Step 3: Add Additional Info
Fill in the required fields: Logo URL and website. These fields cannot be left blank.
Ensure the Logo URL ends with a supported image extension: png, jpg, jpeg, or gif.
Click "Next" after completing this step.
Step 4: Finish
Review all information before submitting. Click "Approve Spending Token" and "Confirm" on MetaMask. Then, click "Submit".
After clicking "Submit", MetaMask will prompt you to confirm the transaction and display the associated fee. If you agree, click the “Confirm” button to complete the process.
Last updated